At Etz Chayim it is has always been important job to choose a board that represents all groups in our congregation. We realize that our decisions will affect not only the current membership but the also the future of our congregation. All members of our board take our decisions seriously and with a lot of forethought. It is a very difficult job at times but incredibly worthwhile knowing that our current decisions will have an impact on our Jewish Community and beyond. The board is governed by the Bylaws.
Here is the current leadership through June 2024. Please consider volunteering for a leadership or committee position by contacting any board or committee member.
Board of Directors
- Lynne Edmondson, President
- Martin F., Vice-President
- Donna L., Corresponding Secretary
- Kathy S., Recording Secretary
- Joe P.,Treasurer
- Shirley R., Board Member
- Bob F., Board Member
- Max R, Board Member
- Linda K., Board Member
- Representative from the Sisterhood
- Representative from the Men’s Club
- Steve G., Immediate Past President
Ritual and Religious Services Committee
- Bill G., Chairman
- Michelle L.
- Max R.
- Karen H.
- Sandra W.
- Steve G.
Education Committee
- Chair, Stephanie P. & Karen H.
- Michelle L.
- Michelle P.
- Jordan P.
- Kathy S.
- Sarah S.
Cemetery Committee
- Sandra W., Chairman
- Max R.
Budget and Finance Committee
- Joe P., Chairman
Building and Maintenance Committee
- Max R., Chairman
- Scott H.
Membership Committee
- Millie R., Chairman
Hospitality Committee
- Millie R., Chairman
Social Action Committee
- Barry M., Chairman
- Kathy S.
Communications Committee
- Donna L., Chair
- Bill G.
- Brenda L.
- Michelle P.
Rabbi Hospitality & Oneg Committee
- Karen F.
- Linda K.
- Shirley R.
Safety Committee
- Steve G.
- Bob F.
- Lynne E.
- Martin F.